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healing-hearts Page 7
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Page 7
Leigh would be shocked to know Yasmine could now confirm he had not had open-heart surgery.
Yasmine took a deep breath and turned away from the sight as thoughts of running her hand down his chest to his taut abs entered her mind.
She shook her head to halt her train of thoughts and allowed herself another quick look as she admired Jason’s athletic skill when he dove into the pool. She couldn’t fool herself in believing that she didn’t desire to go out with him. As she sat across from him, his smile had driven her crazy. She couldn’t seem to stop the little flip her heart performed when it appeared on his face. She tried to brush it off by telling herself he had worn a scowl when she had met him, so it was just a result of the surprise of seeing her.
As much as she would like to do something as simple as a date, she knew it would not be possible. She couldn’t allow herself to be put in a position to be hurt again. Her track record proved she was not the best judge of character and her getting hurt was inevitable.
Turning away from the sight of Jason slicing through the water; she went to her room.
When she arrived there, she showered and lay down on her bed, then grabbed the romance novel she was almost finished with from the nightstand. She stared at the hero on the cover. “Why can’t I find a man like you or the other guys I read about? Bet I’d never have to worry about you hurting me.”
Yasmine set the alarm on the bedside clock before opening the novel to the marked page. She and Leigh were going out to dinner, then to the fireworks show. Most likely, afterwards her friend would try to get her to go out dancing again, as they did last night, and she wanted to make sure didn’t read to long and run late.
Desire led her back out to the pool in search of him. Now, she lay on her stomach before him, willing and waiting. This wasn’t her. Never before had she availed herself to a man. But, he tugged at something so reckless, so forbidden deep inside of her, she couldn’t resist.
His lips started at her ankle and made their way up her body. The light kisses he placed on the back of her caves, caused tingling sensation to dance across her spine. When his wet tongue touched the back of her knee, her body temperature rose. Her sex began to ache as strong, open mouth suckling began on the back of one thigh then the other.
His hands joined in the play as he massaged her behind, gliding up her back where the bathing suit left her bare. Her body quivered with excitement at electric touch of his hands.
Her breath became labored as the tip of his tongue traced the edge of her suit from hip to the crease of her thighs. The lips of her core were full and throbbing. Her butt arched into his touch.
“Spread your thighs.”
She wanted to object. She was fully aroused and wet. If she parted her legs she knew it would be evident to him. She could feel the moist seat of the suit as it molded against her, clinging to her sex. But neither could she resist.
“Wider.” It was a command. The deep timbre of his voice commanded obedience.
She obeyed.
Her legs parted until they touched the edge of the poolside lounger. She knew he could see how much she wanted this…wanted him. Turned on and swollen.
He was looking. Staring.
She could feel his intense gaze on her heated sex, she was seconds away from an orgasm.
But, he wanted more. His hands pushed at her thighs until her feet fell over the sides to the cement surface, causing the core of her desire to lift in blatant display.
“Yes.” His voice hissed with passionate approval.
She wanted to turn over. See his face. Know what desire looked like on him.
Before she could assuage her curiosity, firm masculine hands grasped her hips and a hot kiss seized her pulsating sex. The first stroke of his tongue against her covered clitoris catapulted her into a body-shuddering climax.
The knock at Yasmine’s door awakened her. She sat up with a start, her body still shaking as the memories or the erotic dream ebbed away. She had been dreaming about Jason.
Rubbing her hand briskly over her face, she looked at her clock to make sure she had not overslept. It was twilight outside, her room filled with shadows, so she turned on her bedside lamp.
As she got up from her bed, she noticed the book was lying on the floor.
“Thanks a lot.” Yasmine aimed an accusing finger at the book.
Another knock sounded at the door, reminding her about what awakened her. Better yet, saved her from a fruitless fantasy.
Yasmine trotted to the door and checked her peephole, then opened it.
“Hey, Yassi-girl.” Leigh breezed into the room.
Yasmine stifled a yawn as she closed the door behind her friend. “I thought we were going to meet in an hour—if you’re already hungry give me a few minutes and I’ll get dressed.”
Guilt etched across Leigh’s face. “Well, I am famished, but I just wanted to see how your day went while I was out.”
“What’s up?” Yasmine was curious.
“How was your day?” Leigh went around the room turning on lights and avoiding the question.
That made Yasmine even more nervous. “Fine, I went swimming.”
“Good.” Leigh sat down on the couch, picked up a magazine off the table and began flipping through it.
Sitting down on the other end of the couch, she tucked her feet under her hips. “Spill it.”
Looking innocent, Leigh asked, “Spill what?”
“Whatever it is you have to tell me. You know I hate suspense.”
Placing the magazine on the table, Leigh looked at her. “While I was out shopping for this great blouse with a matching pair of pants that I’m going to look so good in—”
“So, who is he?” Yasmine redirected her friend.
Leigh fell silent for a moment. “His name is Devin. I met him on my way back to the hotel; he was lost and asked me for directions. He’s so cute and resembles one of those young guys from that group B2K—hmm. Anyway, we talked for a moment, he’s here for his high school reunion and he asked me to their social gathering tonight, he just couldn’t bear showing up by himself.” Leigh stuck out her lips in a pout.
Yasmine observed her friend. “You can go if that’s how you want to spend our girls’ weekend retreat.” Then leaned over to the table and picked up the same magazine Leigh had just put down.
“Fine, I’ll stay.”
“Leigh, don’t feel guilty on my account. I have a book I’ve been wanting to finish so go—have a great time.” Yasmine still had not looked up at her friend.
“I have a fabulous idea.” A broad smile graced Leigh’s face.
Yasmine looked at her friend suspiciously. “Am I going to want to know what it is—”
“Of course you will, silly. I can call Devin’s hotel room and ask him if he has a friend.” Leigh got up from the couch to pick up the phone on the other side of the room.
“Oh, no you won’t. I don’t want to be fixed up. I have no problem getting my own dates. I don’t need to be hooked up with any strange men.”
“Come on, Yassi, you’re gorgeous, but when was the last time you sent out any signals to the opposite sex that said ‘I’m available’?”
Yasmine did not intend to tell her friend about Jason Richardson’s offer. However, she refused to allow her friend to think of her as a hopeless, dating charity case.
“For your information, I was asked out just today.”
“You’re lying!” Leigh returned quickly to the couch.
“I don’t have to lie. I get offers. I just never feel like exploring them, so I chose to decline.”
“When, where and what was the offer?”
“This afternoon, by the pool and I was asked to attend some promotion party,” Yasmine said in an offhand manner.
“Wow, talk about your invites. On my way upstairs, I heard some music playing from the ballroom. I asked one of the bellhops what was going on and he said it was a promotion party for Scorpio. I wonder if it was one
and the same.”
“Most likely, it’s here in the hotel.” A nonchalant tone laced Yasmine’s voice.
“So, who was this guy that represents Scorpio’s party? Why don’t you go then?”
Yasmine put the magazine aside. “I told you, I didn’t want to go.”
“That’s not good enough. There has to be some reason. I mean, even you can see how much fun it would be. Not to mention they may be giving away seventy-five percent off their apparel or something. I could use a new nightie, not to mention one of their new bathing suits with the cute little sheer skirt attached to it.”
“I don’t care about some party, Leigh. I told Mr. Richardson I was here with my best friend to spend the weekend. Not knowing that she was off making a date for herself.” Yasmine finished her statement as she rose from the couch.
“Jason Richardson? Mr. Heart Patient? Or should I say Heart Throb is here and asked you out?”
“Yeah, so what?” Yasmine shrugged.
“You really have been out of the game for a while.” Leigh looked up to the heavens as if praying for guidance. “Pay attention, my sistah, because this is going to go quickly.”
Yasmine crossed her arms under her breasts in a stance that said she was listening.
“A sexy man invites you to his job party. It means that he really fancies you, and would like to get to know you better in every sense of the word.”
“Every sense of the word is the problem.” Yasmine walked over to the hotel window and looked out on the street below her. “Leigh, don’t you think I ever miss having someone to talk to? A guy that’s going to pick up the phone late at night and call just to hear my voice, or allows me to curl up next to him and watch a movie?” Yasmine stood quiet for a moment then turned back to her friend. “I do, but I know after Blake it’s not for me.”
“Yassi, I can attest that every guy is not like him.”
“You know, Leigh, I know that. I remember what it was like before him, being with decent guys who weren’t giving me all types of drama.”
“So, what’s the problem?”
“For an instant I thought about accepting Jason’s offer, but I refuse to be hurt again.”
“So, you’re going to allow him to take away all of your happiness?”
“I’m happy.” Yasmine directed a smile at her friend.
“I’m not convinced.” Leigh walked over to her and grabbed her firmly by the arms. “Yassi, the only time I truly see you smile anymore is when you’re talking about those twins. I don’t want to say this, but that option of happiness is fading away fast. If you can’t even think about the possibility of dating anyone, marriage would never happen.”
Leigh didn’t have to tell her about her possibilities—they were evident to her. “Look, you go and have a good time tonight. I’ll be fine here.”
“I’m not going out. I’ve decided to stay in, because if I go out you’re going to sit here.”
“What’s changed since you walked in the door? You were seconds away from leaving me to fend for myself. Why is it so important to you that I do this?”
“Because, you’ve been so down in the dumps lately about the kids you need to kick up your heels and enjoy yourself. And just to clear my good name, I wasn’t going to leave you alone, I was going to find you a date so you could go with me.” Leigh gave her a big grin and batted her eyes.
“Yeah, right.” Yasmine laughed, not convinced. “Go have fun. We’ll do breakfast tomorrow.”
Leigh looked as if debating her choices. “Yassi, I’m going, but not before I tell you that you deserve to live your life to its fullest. Besides, it’s only an invite to a party with a crowd of people—right? What’s the harm in it?”
Placing her hands on her hips, Yasmine exhaled a breath. “No, harm I just don’t want to go.”
“I think you do, you’re just scared.”
Yasmine and Leigh stared at each other in silence.
She knew her friend was not going to let up. When Leigh got something stuck into her head it took a crow bar to get it loose. Too bad I don’t have one handy.
“If I agree to go to this stupid party will you leave me alone for the next six months about dating?”
“I promise not to bother you for three weeks. Even I know better than to believe I can hold a promise that long.”
Yasmine eyed her friend. “Fine. Then you have to also promise to stop trying to hook me up?”
Leigh didn’t look as if she was going to agree to the last one, then she did. “Deal. Now go get dressed.”
Yasmine headed toward the room. “I don’t know why I told you in the first place.”
“Because somewhere deep down inside, you wanted me to convince you to go.”
Yasmine had taken her time in getting ready while Leigh stood over her like a mother hen refusing to go to her own room until she had left. Yasmine walked into the ballroom with nerves on edge. She was surprised she had even made it to the party. Twice on the elevator, she had gotten off and was awaiting an elevator to go back up to her floor. But, each one that arrived was always headed down. So reluctantly, she had got on for the last time and arrived on the first floor.
“Hello and welcome. Would you please grab a raffle ticket?” A model standing at the door wearing a two-piece string bikini and sheer sarong wrap held out a smoked glass bowl.
Yasmine reached in the bowl, pulled out a number, and smiled at the woman.
“Enjoy your time with Scorpio,” the woman declared.
Yasmine could recognize a cue when she heard one. So, she took tentative steps deeper into the room as her eyes scanned the surrounding area, trying not to be too obvious that she was looking for someone. She had made a deal with herself that she would stay for a few minutes, but if she didn’t meet up with Mr. Richardson—oh well.
The room was decorated in a desert motif. Gold sand was scattered along the floor, with life like replicas of various desert wildlife creatures. Over the stage, there was a four-foot length scorpion holding a sign that read: ‘Scorpio: so bare it stings’.
The party was in full swing; Yasmine watched all of the beautifully clad women walking around talking to the guests. Some of them she could overhear describing the products they carried on a tray or the attire they were wearing.
What am I doing here? I should have never allowed Leigh to talk me into coming. She’s probably gone by now, I could return to my room and she would be none the wiser. Her decision made, Yasmine turned toward the door.
“Mr. Richardson.” Yasmine abruptly stopped, nearly plowing into him. The fantasy came flooding back to her, causing her breathing to stutter. She struggled to keep her sense in check.
“Yasmine, I didn’t think you were going to show up. When I saw you standing here empty handed, I figured you needed a drink.” His gaze held warmth and approval. “I’m glad you decided to come after all.”
Staring into his eyes unnerved her, so going for the safer route she looked down at the glass he held in his hand, but didn’t take it. “I was just on my way out, Mr. Richardson.” She lifted her eyes back to his.
“You’ve made it this far, you might as well stay for a while.” He once again offered her the drink and added a broad smile with it.
Yasmine couldn’t say no to that smile twice in one day. She took the drink from his hand. “Fine, I’ll stay.”
“While you’re so agreeable, why don’t you agree to call me Jason? My staff calls me Mr. Richardson.”
“You are a client of mine, so I think it may be best if we keep this impersonal.” She was trying hard to keep the distance between them.
“Yasmine, I can guarantee you that my inviting you here was very personal.”
There was a pregnant moment while the two of them stared at each other.
“I won’t debate that, but I will concede for now and call you Jason.”
“Good. Come on, I’ll show you around.” Triumphant, Jason took her elbow and began taking her around to m
ake introductions.
“Jason, I have to admit this party was a great success,” Raquel approached Jason and Yasmine at the end of the evening.
“Thanks, Raquel. I’d like you to meet someone who helped me a lot after my heart attack.” Turning toward Yasmine. “This is Yasmine.”
Jason had to admit to himself, he was a bit uneasy about how Raquel would respond to Yasmine. Even though they both saw other people and they had no strings or ties between them, it just wasn’t a pleasant situation.
“Yasmine, so what kind of assistance did you provide to Jason?”
“I’m a dietitian and my company holds health classes at the hospital.” Yasmine cut her gaze toward Jason in jest.
So far so good.
“Interesting.” Raquel paused. “You make house and office calls, I see.”
“Actually it’s rare that we would ever be called upon to conduct sessions outside of the hospital or our office.” Yasmine informed her.
“Then Jason must be a special case.” Raquel crossed her arms underneath her breasts.
Jason could feel the tension shift in the air.
“You could say that.” Yasmine quietly responded.
He tried to read the expressions of the two women, but both of them seemed to have their features schooled to perfection.
“So, has our boy Jason been eating right today?” Raquel questioned glibly.
“Honestly, Raquel, I haven’t been paying that close attention—it’s my day off.”
Jason was impressed, very few people, even the men at the office, could handle themselves toe to toe with Raquel, but Yasmine held her ground.
“Well, you better keep an eye on him, because he can be a bad boy at times.” Raquel turned her focus back to him.
“So, Jason, what are your plans for this evening?”
He had to move quickly. Otherwise, he would find himself caught and having to choose between two beautiful women. One he’d lost some interest in, but she still offered sexual delights. The other held all types of new possibilities. He had taken himself out of the cat and mouse game for a while, but tonight he felt like he was up for the chase.